E M Keohane Legal Counsel

counsel work . litigation . advocacy

E Mark Keohane Lawyer | Barrister and Solicitor

E M Keohane
Legal Counsel

counsel work



E M Keohane


E Mark Keohane Lawyer,
Barrister and Solicitor

For more than 30 years, I’ve had the privilege of successfully representing the legal interests of high value clients located throughout Western and Central Canada

Participating in working relationships forged with some of the most talented lawyers at Canada’s top tier firms

Appearing on complex Superior and Appellate Court, Tribunal, Arbitration, and Mediation matters, entrusted to me by a committed clientele and colleagueship

It’s Counsel Work
It’s Litigation
It’s Advocacy

That’s Experienced
Focused and

And I would be pleased to discuss if I can be of assistance to you

advocacy | litigation

Humphreys v. Hanne, [2017] A.J. No. 375 (Application for Leave to Appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada Dismissed With Costs,
[2017] S.C.C.A. No. 228)

Mac-G Canada Inc. v. Element Construction Ltd., [2015] A.J. No. 1090

Boodang Music Canada Inc. v. Edmonton Northlands: The music played the weekend of April 27, 2012, at Western Canada’s largest electronic music fesitval, Elements Music Festival, following the Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench grant of injunction against Edmonton Northlands

Alberta Construction Consulting Associates Ltd. v. Hy-Lok
Canada Inc.
, [2011] A.J. No. 1256

Alberta Construction Consulting Associates Ltd. v. Hy-Lok
Canada Inc.
, [2010] A.J. No. 1552

Domcan Boundary Corp. v. Enron Canada Corp., [2005] A.J. No. 524

Independent Counsel, Enron Canada Corp. Counterparty Proceedings,
2004 through 2005

Hillside Investments Ltd. v. Boychuk, [2002] A.J. No. 33

T.C. Restaurants Ltd. v. Villa Karouzos Steak House Ltd., [2002] A.J. No. 210

Hillside Investments Ltd. v. Boychuk, [2001] A.J. No. 1251

MDI Industrial Sales Ltd. v. McLean, [1996] A.J. No. 1139

Lodwig v. Mather, [1995] A.J. No. 382

Canada Trustco Mortgage Co. v. Maxichuk, [1993] A.J. No. 1181

Man wearing a black suit

E Mark Keohane

B. Comm.
Faculty of Business Administration and Commerce
University of Alberta, 1986
Faculty of Law
University of Alberta, 1989
Law Society of Alberta, 1990


e mark keohane legal counsel

by appointment only




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E M Keohane Legal Counsel